If you haven’t been, go. If you have, go back and stay as long as possible. Here’s a couple shots from our recent trip. Amazing signs to be had all around the city. Top to bottom. Left to right. Begin. 1. Food truck on South Congress, I still read ‘creeps’. 2. Spider House, serving booze way before Starbucks. 3. Hut’s Hamburgers, classic without trying. 4. Frank: Hot Dogs Cold Beer, Yes! 5. Walton’s Fancy and Staple, beautiful inside and out. 6. The Salt Lick, if you don’t know ask somebody. 7. Hotel San Jose, only admired from a distance. Need to plan further ahead next time. 8. Guero’s, live music and tacos. 9. Jo’s, another fun coffee spot to recharge at after a long weekend.